Recording and reporting in the company already uses Microsoft Excel, the results of the design of financial report applications in the form of a list of journal transactions, a list of general ledger transactions, trial balances, income statements, reports of changes in equity, statements of financial position, cash flow statements, cash income and expenditure reports, and a list of charts of accounts. Microsoft Access 2016 as a design tool as well as document flowcharts and DFD as tools for the flow of the system.

The research method used is a qualitative method with a case study and development approach. The purpose of this study is to identify and identify the weaknesses of the companys accounting information system, as well as to design the application of financial statements according to the needs and to know the implications. Selain itu, WPS Office juga bisa dipakai secara gratis dan juga legal. Diketahui, aplikasi ini bisa digunakan di ponsel sehingga bisa dipakai kapan pun secara cepat.

Ada beberapa akun yang nantinya harus dimasukkan ke dalam excel ketika membuat laporan keuangan, seperti contoh: akun laba rugi perusahaan dagang, neraca, arus kas, dan lainnya. WPS Office Aplikasi Keuangan Pribadi Excel Gratis Legal Adapun aplikasi keuangan pribadi Excel yang pertama adalah WPS Office. Financial reports are important information for internal and external parties. Program Microsoft Excel dikenal memiliki fitur yang cukup lengkap untuk pengolahan data. Coba kalkulator templat keuangan di Excel untuk membantu melunasi utang mobil, utang biaya sekolah, atau utang kartu kredit. Cahaya Printing is a company engaged in printing services and is located in Bandung.